Food Festival Highlights

Last month, I had the great honour and privilege to be a Demo Chef at the Hot and Spicy Food Festival organized by the capable people at the Harbourfront Centre. Aside from promoting my Empanada business I had the great pleasure of teaching visitors to the festival on how to make some of my favourite dishes; Aji De Gallina Empanadas and Politikes Keftedes. It was thrilling to be presenting in front of appreciative crowds in a place that is near and dear. I want to thank Mary luz Mejia and her team of producers that made everything possible. Also I would like to thank Albert Alo for capturing memorable moments such as being interview for CP24. Above all I want to thank my loving and supportive husband for helping me out on that day. You are the best Agapi Mou. Looking forward to next year!DSC01378 ALO_8805 ALO_8844 ALO_8861 ALO_8884 ALO_8890 ALO_8911 ALO_8945 DSC01392 ALO_9090 ALO_9110 ALO_9120

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